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  • Completely custom programming tailored specifically to your individual goals/personality.

  • Direct access to your coach and 10 years of experience.

  • Complete accountability with Weekly Check-Ins (Preferably Video Consults) & Feedback.

  • Access to the Private MNTL. Movement Group Chat (IG) to talk Fitness, Health & Wealth with a small group of like-minded people.

  • The ability to work on yourself and build your independence & skillset under expert supervision.






Fitness Consultation

You’ll start with an in depth fitness consultation via Video Call.

(We can cater to phone call/text messages however please remember, the better the communication the better the result).

We will define clear and specific goals and program a path directly to them.

Planning & Programming

A failure to plan is planning to fail. With personalised programming tailored specifically to your goal and schedule, you’ll have all the tools in your belt to hammer it home! All our programming will be delivered on our partner app - MY PT HUB. An app dedicated to making it easy to deliver and track your entire workout from start to finish with your coach by your side (Virtually!).

Developing Skills

Mastering Basic Lifestyle Guidelines & Educating you in Diet, Nutrition and the fundamentals of each Exercise & Movement Pattern. External Accountability in the form of your PT will soon turn to Internal Habits allowing you to develop independently into the person YOU want to become. Whether we’re working with you each week or we’re just there in spirit after months of lessons learnt from our time together, these skills will last you your lifetime.

Hard Work

Nothing good is ever easy. A determined mindset will always be necessary to overcome the obstacles you’ll meet in and out of the gym. Whether it be your priorities, time, money or a heavy barbell. Work hard and make the sacrifices necessary to reach your goals. It’s you vs you. Well actually it would be you+coach vs you and I assure you, coach doesn’t like losing. We will push you every step of the way.

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